Pose for the paparazzi. Autograph your books.
Write like a dream, promote like a rock star.
Fame and fortune are yours!

Friday, June 7, 2013

The antidote for Internet sliminess

Since my recent lay off from the job, I've been spending my mornings, noons, and nights on the Internet, trying to find the best tools, strategies, and opportunities for writers (and myself, truth be told). I've listened to so many webinars (which are really poorly disguised sales pitches for products that come with ridiculously high price tags), that I've lost count. Some are so slimy... I literally got nauseous listening to one pitch and had to turn it off. 

In that spirit, I offer the following video for your TGIF amusement. 


Thanks, Chip Douché (the name is perfection). I needed that!

Have a great weekend, writing stars! 

Donna Marie 

Check out The Celebrity Editor on Pinterest!

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