Leisurely Reading

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Pinterest for writers

Have you ever had an addiction? One so compelling you couldn't stop?

One word: Pinterest. Yes, writing stars, I've caught the Pinterest bug. Simply, you set up topic-oriented bulletin boards and then post pictures and videos with brief sub-captions. Visitors to your boards can follow you, make comments, like specific images, and re-pin to their boards.

I love how I can let images, vs. words, do the communicating for me. It's a relief from writing, to tell the truth, which can be challenging sometimes.

Here are a few ways Pinterest can be useful for writers:

Creative process – use images to:
  • Get out book ideas that have been swirling around in your head
  • Cure, or at least take the edge off, writer's block
  • Work through characterization
  • Storyboard plot ideas
  • Test out illustration styles for children's books
You can make your boards public or private, which ever you choose. If you're not ready to reveal your innermost thoughts to the world, make them private.

The social media analytics firm Simply Measured found that 69 of the world’s top 100 brands now have Pinterest accounts. Pinterest drives more traffic to sites than Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, or YouTube. Writing stars, you need to be on Pinterest.
  • Build your marketing platform
  • Generate excitement for a soon-to-be-released book or information product
  • Link to your website or blog
  • Link to your sales page(s)
  • Build a community of readers
  • Tell the story of your brand
  • Allow followers and visitors to get a glimpse into the real you
  • Build your all-important email list
  • Get immediate feedback for title ideas, book covers, price points, illustration styles, etc.
  • Conduct special promotions
"Out of the heart, the mouth speaks," says the Good Book. This could be the motto for Pinterest, because the pictures and videos you choose say a lot about the authentic you, your unique voice, your brand.

If you're not sure what your personal brand is, Pinterest can help you figure it out. As you post, you'll begin to see themes emerge. You'll smile and your heart will quicken as your page grows with beloved images. But I encourage you to be true to the process. Don't post images that you think will sell books. Post images that are near and dear to your heart, no matter how demented and twisted. :) (However, I believe Pinterest has morality laws, so beware.)

Pinterest and The Celebrity Editor
Using images to tell a story is nothing new, but using them to cure writer's block may be. I'm evolving a board just for that purpose, to help writers stir up their creative juices: bookmark this board ( here ) and check in from time to time. Too often, writing prompts are too complicated or too cerebral. My approach is to go for the gut. Let me know if they help! Send ideas!

I've also created a board that compliments The Celebrity Editor blog. Bookmark this board ( here ) and check in from time to time.

Visit my boards, follow, re-pin, and comment – and when you've created your boards, come back here and let us know so we can do the same!

Donna Marie

p.s.: great Pinterest articles

Pinterest Users are Sales-Ready: Why Every Business Should Be On Pinterest 

A Brief Guide to Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest Secrets for Writers

Cool Pinterest boards:

Writer's Relief

a few self-publishing boards



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